Wildlife sightings

This form allows you to upload your single species records to DBRC.

Please note this form works best with Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Please supply the species, date, and location. You can use the map to get the UK grid reference of your sighting or you can manually add the geographical position. Please add any details you think relevant in the notes section of the form. If you are uncertain about the identity of the species you saw, please put your best guess in the species box and record in the notes section that you are uncertain. Please only submit single species records here. If you have multiple species to report either fill out the form for each species separately, or you can download our Excel Spreadsheet Template and email it to eknott@devonwildlifetrust.org .

Uploading Images

Nowadays, nearly all smartphones have high-resolution cameras. The pictures taken by these cameras can be extremely large, and this can become a problem when you start to share your images to online applications, requiring increased bandwidth and storage. If you are able to compress or resize your images, you will be able to send more as there is an maximum upload of 25mb. There are a number of apps for Android and IOS that allow you to resize images before you upload them here. Please wait for the bar to completely fill on the image uploader before sending.

Using the map

  • Left-click and hold to drag the map left and right, up and down.
  • Use the plus and minus buttons on the left side of the map to zoom in and out.
  • Use the above actions to find the location on the map you are interested in.
  • Left-click on the map to drop a marker at your required location and populate the form grid-ref, latitude and longitude boxes with the correct values.
  • You can reposition with a left-click and hold, dragging the marker to a new position. The grid-ref , longitude and latitude are re-calculated.

    Add up to five photos to help us verify your sighting. Total image size must be less than 25mb.

    Confirm that you are willing for records and your contact details to be passed to the relevant county recorder
