The Team

Manager – Ian Egerton
Tel: 01392 274128
- Responsible for the strategic and daily management of DBRC, client liaison and business development.
- The first point of contact for new clients, partnerships and project development.
- Facilitates DBRC Executive Group & Forum.
Before taking the helm at DBRC, Ian spent three years managing regional development projects for the SW Wildlife Trusts and Natural England. His previous career was focused within the built environment, primarily, asset management for Thames Water, land and new homes development, and eventually sustainable construction. His experience whilst Marketing and Development Manager at the Ecos Trust (which built the countries first Eco Excellent houses, and Code For Sustainable Homes level 5, here in the South West) showed him the importance of good biodiversity data, and its ability to positively influence decision making, and design/mitigation within the planning realm. Having worked within related sectors, and with a wealth of commercial and Not for Profit Experience, Ian is well placed to develop DBRC, its portfolio, services, and value to its partners, clients and stakeholders.

Botanical and Projects – Philip Sansum
Tel: 01392 274128
- Responsible for developing DBRC’s botanical and other surveys with the aim of strengthening the evidence base needed to address key questions about Devon’s environment, biodiversity and natural capital.
- Responsible for working with volunteers to increase knowledge and skills in the recording community.
- Responsible for exploring new sources of data anticipating and helping to meet the future environmental evidence needs for biodiversity conservation in Devon
Philip joined DBRC in late 2017 having previously worked for several years on projects researching, digitally mapping and surveying semi-natural woodland in different parts of the UK. He has an ecological sciences background and has undertaken research in historical ecology and palaeoecology. He is an active botanical recorder and BSBI member as well as a keen Lepidoptera recorder.

Record Centre Officer – Ellie Knott
Tel: 01392 274128
- Responsible for the technical aspects of DBRC work such as complex data analysis and the development of DBRC’s databases (MapInfo, ArcGIS, Recorder 6, MapMate and Marine Recorder).
- Ensures that organisations with a Service Level Agreement or Data Agreement receive data and services as agreed.
- Assists with the negotiation of agreements with a range of organisations which collect and/or use environmental data e.g. the Environment Agency, Natural England, Local Authorities, local recording groups.
Ellie has over 20 years of experience in Local Records Centre work, as well as a degree in Biology from Bangor (University of Wales) and a Masters in Ecology from Durham University. She has been trained in MapInfo, Access, advanced Excel and Recorder 6. She is particularly interested in reptiles, amphibians and mammals and is a founder member of the Devon Reptile and Amphibian Group and a long-term committee member of the Devon Mammal Group.

Survey Project Officer – Paul Seymour
Tel: 01392 274128
- Project management on the Biodiversity Monitoring Framework, focusing on the survey and condition assessment of County Wildlife Sites throughout Devon. Responsible for landowner liaison, data management, report writing and providing management advice
- Managing or assisting on an array of other survey projects
Paul joined DBRC in 2019 and has a background in practical habitat management and ecological surveying with a number of conservation organisations and consultancies. He has an undergraduate degree in Zoology from the University of Wales, Bangor, and a masters degree in Biological Recording and Ecological Monitoring from Manchester Metropolitan University. Paul has a particular interest in botanical recording, and is member of the BSBI and BBS. He is accredited FISC level 5.

Technical and Projects – Marcus Windle
Tel: 01392 274128
- Leads on DBRC’S technical transformation programme, providing expertise in coding and data analysis, for example, Python, R, R Markdown;
- Works with DBRC Manager to anticipate partners’ biodiversity conservation intelligence needs and develop and promote products to meet their requirements and generate new demand;
- Developing DBRC’s systems, databases and technical resources, increasing the effectiveness, accessibility and usage of our data, including the provision of Web Services for partners and clients;
Marcus is a Software Developer and has worked as an engineer in a number of fields over the last twenty years. Communications and security systems being the key areas. He has a Hons degree in Internet Engineering ( University of Exeter ) and an MA in photography (Falmouth University), as well as experience in Python, R, and Erlang development. His interests include geospatial information systems, functional programming languages, and spatial data. Marcus also manages DBRC’s drone survey work and holds A2CoC and GVC certificates.

Technical and Projects – Adam Falconer
Tel: 01392 274128
- Strong technical skills including RStudio and QGIS
- Provides technical assistance across multiple DBRC projects
Adam joined the DBRC as an officer in late 2019, having previously volunteered at the DBRC for several months in 2018 to develop his technical skills. He graduated from the University of Exeter with a degree in Biological Sciences and has experience in ecological surveying, primarily surveying bats. Until recently, Adam worked on updating the Ancient Woodland Inventory for Devon. With the completion of the project, Adam provides technical assistance across DBRC projects, including GIS mapping, R programming, and invoicing.

Technical and Projects – Chris Calvert
Tel: 01392 274128
- Strong technical skills with multiple programming languages and GIS skills
- Provides technical assistance across multiple DBRC projects
Chris joined DBRC’s technical team in 2023. He has a background in project management in the not-for-profit sector and a lifelong interest in wildlife and conservation. Before joining DBRC he led on software development for a multi-stakeholder mobile app project. He has a combined honours degree from Durham University and has worked with and for the University of Exeter in several capacities, first encountering GIS on a project to study fire in the Amazon rainforest with satellite data.
At DBRC Chris works with GIS, R programming and PostgreSQL. He has prior experience in Python, Dart, Flutter, Linux servers and web development. Outside work he enjoys exploring the natural landscapes of Devon, trail running and helping wildlife as a rescue volunteer with Devon Badger Group.

Jack Rivers
Tel: 01392 274128
- Joined DBRC in Autumn 2022.
- Assisting with the Ancient Woodland Inventory, Biodiversity Monitoring Framework, and various community outreach programmes to ensure timely delivery of work.
Jack joined the DBRC in August 2022 as a project’s assistant with a botanical focus. He gained a degree in Countryside Management at Aberystwyth University in 2021 before working as an assistant Ecologist in Devon surveying habitats, bats, reptiles and dormice. He has previously undertaken placements at the National Botanic Garden of Wales where he assisted in the Biophilic Wales project through locating and mapping rare Welsh plant species and at KOPEL in Borneo where he assisted in developing rainforest monitoring programmes. He is particularly interested in botany and landscape ecology and is accredited FISC level 4.
At DBRC we are lucky to have many volunteers helping us with our work and as a ‘not for profit’ organisation this help is invaluable.
Volunteers help us with a variety of tasks at our DBRC offices including data entry, data verification, admin and IT support. They also help with survey work for our County Wildlife Site project and public participation projects such as ‘Operation Otter’ and the ‘Cetacean Recording Network’. Listed below are the profiles of some of the volunteers who help us out at DBRC.
Any volunteer opportunities available at DBRC are advertised through the Devon Wildlife Trust website. If you wish to register as a volunteer please contact the volunteer coordinator at Devon Wildlife Trust stating your area of interest and relevant skills/experience.
Here is a selection of just some of the fantastic people who volunteer their time and skills for us at DBRC:

Jeremy Ison – In Memoriam
In memory of Jeremy Ison who generously volunteered for DBRC for over 15 years, offering his skills, knowledge and time to support our work. He helped verify an enormous number of botanical records for DBRC during those years, and was pivotal to the development and publication of The Devon Flora. He had a life long passion for botany and contributed to many national plant recording projects between 1980 and 2024 including the wildflowers of N.E. Essex, 1980-1990; The BSBI27 monitoring scheme, N.Essex, 1987-1988; “Atlas 2000 project” for recording flora in Britain & Ireland; Local change survey, 2002-2004; BSBI alien trees & scrub project, 2008. He was a dear friend and will not be forgotten.

Chris and Sharon Blackmore
- Are part of the cetacean recording network monitoring marine animals, specifically cetaceans in Devon.
- Have a set location off Capstone Point, Ilfracombe where they regularly record harbour porpoise.
- Report on other cetacean sightings around Devon’s coastline whist out and about.
Chris and Sharron Blackmore have been monitoring and recording cetaceans for the cetacean recording network and the Sea Watch Foundation since 2005. Chris is a regional coordinator for Sea Watch and part of a group of 5 DBRC and Sea Watch volunteers who regularly carry out cetacean watches on the North Devon headlands. In the past this they would report occasional sightings of porpoise and seals to DBRC whilst fishing or walking the coast but in 2005 DBRC and DWT advertised a request for cetacean watchers and they jumped at the chance! They underwent training provided jointly by DWT and Sea Watch. Chris is now retired and Sharron is working part-time so they can devote even more time to monitoring the Ilfracombe porpoises. This year they were awarded a volunteer award from DBRC/DWT for their commitment to volunteering and contribution to our work